In recent years, numerous multi-national states have disintegrated along national lines, and today, many more, in both the first and the third worlds, continue to witness bitter secessionist struggles. The proliferation of national conflicts and secessionist movements has given rise to many important questions which urgently need to be addressed. When is seccession justified? What is a people and what gives them a right to secede? Is national determination consistent with liberal and democratic principles? Or is it a dangerous doctrine? In the years following 1991, when Allen Buchanan published Secession, a number of competing theories of the ethics of secession have been put forward. This pathbreaking study, by a host of leading figures in the field, brings together for the first time a series of original essays on these theories. Offering fresh insight into debates about contested territory, the problem of minorities, and the place of secession in resolving national conflicts, this volume provides a much-needed philosophical discussion of the normative implications of nationalism.