Robin Booth; Simon Farrell QC; Guy Bastable; Nicholas Yeo
OUP Oxford
Print ISBN
9780199543038, 0199543038
eText ISBN
9780199543038, 0199543038
Money Laundering Law and Regulation offers a practical and comprehensive guide to domestic anti-money laundering law and regulation, increasingly seen as key weapons in the fight against serious and organized crime. This new book explains the genesis of the current regime, placing it in its international, European, and domestic context. It sets out fully the current law on money laundering and terrorist financing with an explanation of the key concepts of money laundering law introduced by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The book contains a detailed analysis of the suspicious activity reporting regime, both in relation to money laundering and to terrorist property and financing. The customer due diligence and other requirements placed on those in the regulated sector by the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 are given detailed coverage, as are the provisions for registration, supervision, and enforcement contained in the Regulations. The law relating to cash seizure, detention, and forfeiture is set out and explained in a chapter that also covers the requirements for cash declaration. The final chapter provides specific guidance to practitioners through a detailed scenario involving parallel civil and criminal proceedings and commentary on how the relevant law is put into practice.